Pass Plus
What is Pass Plus?
Now you've passed, you'll want to start driving. However the driving test is just a basic level of skills that allow you to drive unaccompanied.
It is generally known that, 17 to 25 year-olds have a high percentage of accidents within the first two years of passing. To reduce this alarming statistic, the government introduced a scheme in conjunction with insurance companies and driving instructors to offer an 'advanced' driving course called Pass Plus.
At present, the Pass Plus scheme is open to anyone, who has passed a driving test within two years of passing the driving test.
The benefits of doing a Pass Plus course are:
- Reduced insurance premiums
- Increase confidence with your driving
- Gain more knowledge about driving
- Reduce the chances of being involved in a road crash
A Pass Plus course consists of the following topics:
- Town driving - This topic will help you to improve on your perception and anticipation skills in towns
- Driving out of town - You'll learn how to deal with driving in the countryside where you could encounter agricultural vehicles and farm animals
- Driving on dual carrigeways - To drive safely on fast, multi-lane roads you'll need all your skills of observation, concentration, anticipation and lane discipline
- Driving on motorways - motorways are very different from any other type of road. You'll learn to drive confidently and safely on them.
- All weather driving - You will learn how to deal with different types of weather conditions, such as rain, snow and high winds
The course lasts a minmum of six hours, depending on your skills. Your instructor will advise you if you have any weaknesses with any part and recommend further training.
At the the end of course there will be no test to take. You and your instructor will complete a form and your instructor will send it to the Pass Plus unit of the DSA, who will then send you a certiicate of Pass Plus completion. Your insurance company will then ask for the certificate.
We at Keys Driving Academy, are authorised by the DSA to conduct the Pass Plus course.
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