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Practical info> Manoeuvres>TIR

Turn-in-the-road exercise.

This is commonly called a 'three-point-turn'. this is because three is fewest number of movements you can make to complete the task. However, you can take more movements depending on the width of the road, your car or you own skills. You would not be faulted on a test, if you took more than three movements, provided you carried the task correctly.

You will be expected to turn your car around on the road, using both your forward and reverse gears, so you are can drive in the opposite direction.

The diagram below, demonstrates the exercise.

To sum up the main items that you need to bear in mind when doing this task are:

  • Keeping the car as slow as possible
  • Make effective all round observations before you move in any direction
  • There's no time limit (with in reason)When you start moving, steer rapidly and fully
  • Try not to be put off when another road user approaches